Alright, I'm getting caught up on these blog entries! HaHa!
Pearl Jam. Man. I am not sure how to tell you how amazing (there's that word again) this show was to me. I've seen some concerts in my day and many of them from the front row. I have, primarily, been to hip-hop shows and that's really been my forte. It's just what I like. I like to be entertained and feel the energy from the artist and the crowd. Clint is opening my eyes to some different shows and, I gotta say, Pearl Jam is probably the best of seen to date. Clint had been educating me, I guess you could say, on the ins-and-outs of a Pearl Jam show prior to going. And talking to people in line helped me get a sense of what I was in for.
They put EVERYTHING into their shows. It's all about the fans and that, to me, is really cool to see. I wouldn't say that I'm a big Pearl Jam fan. I would say that I'm becoming one! It won't be my last show, that's for certain.
You can see the sweat in this picture!
Now, I can only go off of this when it comes to Eminem because he's the only artist I have seen more than once. He entertains, for sure, but set list of his shows are the same as every show on the tour, more or less. In my head, I guess I just felt like that was a normal thing. I saw Eminem twice in one year a couple years ago. There was 11 months separating the shows. The song list changed just a bit, but the stage setup was the same and it was all generally, just the same thing. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED it, but like I said, I thought that was normal-ish.
Think he's looking at me? I do. HaHa!
So, I start to learn about Pearl Jam and their live shows, etc. Apparently, it's different every time. You don't know what you're going to get. And I like the idea of that. You can hope to hear your favorites and what not, but you don't know. They did a show on Tuesday & one on Wednesday. From what I heard, only 2 or 3 songs were the same. Some songs are far more rare to hear than others. It sounds like we got a pretty decent show with a few rarities in there.

Here's a fun story for you... or, it's fun for me to write anyway. :) I had some luck in getting to see Jacob Pullen play basketball via Twitter. I thought, why not see if Pearl Jam pays attention to their Twitter feed. I mean, they're a bit more known than Jacob Pullen, but worth a shot, right? So, I sent a tweet before we left our hotel requesting one of the rare songs, Release. I made some comment about how I was from Kansas & in Amsterdam, blah, blah, blah... but I asked them to play Release. He comes out for the second part of their set and says, "We had a little help making the set list tonight. We don't usually do this one, but..." AND IT WAS RELEASE! I kinda just stood there for a minute and didn't really react. Clint got it on video that I'll attempt to figure out how to post another day, but I was floored!! When I tell the story, it's going to be my tweet that helped create the set list, but in truth, I think they had some mega-fan help create it and he chose Release. Good man. I still think he read my tweet and thought, "Hell yeah, let's do that one!" :) Let me have it, ok? :)

The other thing about Pearl Jam is the fans... Man, they LOVE their band. And it's so fun to hear their stories. Many of them have been to an outrageous number of shows. And they never see the same thing twice. That's so cool to me. Anyway, I kinda worked my way up from 12 rows back to 4 by just slowing inching my way forward. It worked. I met a couple guys while I was up there. One of him was on his 7th Pearl Jam show and he let me switch places with him so I could have a better view and get some good pics of my first Pearl Jam show. Super cool.

If you saw my Facebook post, you know that we accidentally stood in line both days. We really thought we were going to the Tuesday show and stood there all day, like 7 hours, waiting in line only to get to the door and have them tell us we're on the 2nd night! However, in that nice little wait we had, we met some very cool Dutch people. One of them convinced Clint to switch shirts with him. Clint was rockin' his Tom Petty shirt from earlier this summer. They switched and I think Clint got a super unique souvenier from his first Pearl Jam show. We even ran into a couple of them who went on the 2nd night as well. And now, we're all lifelong Facebook friends... a storybook ending, haha! :) Brought together by a band...
I had a couple more pics to upload, but it's being silly & I want to go to bed, so I will just leave you with what you've got. The moral of the story, Pearl Jam is awesome! I can't even tell you how awesome... you just have to experience it for yourself. :)
The view from the front...