Well, folks... This is it! I am taking off for Spain tomorrow! I can't believe it is finally here. It has taken so long, but in hindsight, it has FLOWN by! I just can't believe that this weekend, I will be in Spain. HaHa, wow... Here we go, kids! Let's enjoy the ride!
So, why the "Simple Man" title? Well, haha, it's simple. :) I have been packing and planning and preparing and shopping and... Ugh. While driving to Wal-Mart for the 3rd time in 3 days or running by the bank for a last deposit/withdrawal... I've had some time to myself & there's nothing better than a little music, especially if it fits the mood or point in my life. Typically, I would go to Marshall first. But, since my little brother does not share the same passion for Eminem as I do and he is so graciously allowing me to use his truck to run my errands, I must utilize his musical options. Well, he's got fantastic taste, too. Today, I stuck to Skynyrd pretty closely. Simple Man is one of my all-time favorite songs on the planet. I played it over & over & over today. I thought, "Oooo, the title for tonight's entry & I can quote some of the lyrics & relate them to my exciting life!" HaHa!
"Take your time. Don't live too fast. Trouble's will come & they will pass." I feel like this whole summer has just went so quickly and that I was so busy that I may not have gotten to enjoy it like I wanted to. I worked my ass off at work and in the quest of the great Visa. Moving was a huge headache. I just felt like it was constantly "GO! GO! GO!" It kind of was. I've been reading a little about the attitude of Spain. It's so much more laid back than here. I mean, who would not love to take a "siesta" every day and just enjoy a slower paced life? Man, I gotta say... this girl is looking forward to that! I can only imagine what this experience is going to do for me. When I get back next year, I hope that the laid back attitude comes with me! I am so concerned about organization and things needing to be on schedule, etc... I am looking forward to not being so uptight about things. And I am sure that I will encounter some bumps in the road and some points where I really question myself or the decision to take this opportunity, but these troubles, as Skynyrd said, will pass... This will be a great experience and the only person that stands in the way of it not being a great experience is myself. It will only be rough if I let it be rough.
"All that you need is in your soul. You can do this, if you try. All that I want for you, my son, is to be satisfied." I know that I am a strong person. But I would be lying if I said I wasn't questioning if I can really do this... If I REALLY have the strength to move thousands of miles away from everything & everyone I know. But I will never know if I have the strength if I don't try at all. I could never live with the regret of "What If?" Never. I know there is strength deep down within & I am hoping that it will come out in full force! But I'm not willing to live with not trying.
"Don't you worry. You'll find yourself. Follow your heart and nothing else." I am not sure about the not worrying part. It would be extremely unlike me NOT to worry, but I am going to just try to relax and let this happen. I expect to find a whole new version of myself through this experience. I will never run away from who I really am, but maybe this will open up new doors into what lies inside. I know some people (Dad...) question me doing this and may not understand why, but I'm doing it because I have to follow my heart. I have to. I wouldn't be satisfied if I didn't.
Well... That's my look into Skynyrd and myself, HaHa! Hope it wasn't too boring. :) I guess this blog is as much for me as it is for anyone that is reading it. :)
Tonight, we had supper as a family. I had to say a couple good-bye's. They aren't easy. I know it's not like I'm leaving forever or going into a war zone like so many other brave people, but I am going to miss my family. And my friends. I'm doing ok crying-wise. HaHa. I am trying to be strong, but I think tears are ok. They're happy tears. They aren't coming from a place of regret. :) Ugh... I'm trying to be tough, but I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be another story... tomorrow is when I have to say goodbye to the padre. You all know how close I am to that guy... It'll be rough. I've got the tissue handy. :)
Well, this will be my final entry from the United States! I will be thousands of miles away when I type the next entry... Man, that's crazy! Let life begin!! And...
God Bless the Simple Man.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Farewell Fiesta! (I have some pretty amazing people in my life)
I have some pretty great friends and family. I may have mentioned that before, but it is worth mentioning a couple times. :)
This photo was taken toward the end of the evening (a few shots in). It doesn't include some of the special people that made the trip to the Rail to visit and show some love. I really appreciate everyone coming out!!
Now that my praises to the porcelain throne has ceased, I can have a little reflection time.
Now that I am home and in my jammies, I can comfortably sit here and think about what this weekend meant. Of course, I am well aware that I am leaving, but to be honest, it really has not set in. I mean, I leave in FOUR DAYS! No more, "a few months," "a few weeks," etc. I am leaving very soon. I said goodbye with minimal tears this weekend. (Probably had a lot to do with the fact that I was super occupied with the constant throwing up, that I really didn't have time to cry.) I cried a bit when I actually got in the truck to leave town knowing that Hays is really in my rearview for the last time (in the near future, anyway). As I type this, I am still just trying to grasp that this is reality. I couldn't leave town saying, "I'll see you in a few weeks." Because I won't. I won't see all of my friends and family for nearly a year. I'm not typing this in fear or regret for making this decision. I type it in sadness that I can't take everyone with me to experience what I am getting ready to experience. I wish I could pack you all in my suitcase & take you with me. I guess my blog will have to do. :)
I am unbelievable grateful to my extended family in Hays. I would not have survived without you, that is no lie. I have so many experiences that I will take forever with me! And I can't wait to tell my new friends in Spain all the stories (that YOU did-NOT me, haha!)! I would put money on it that some of the stories we have can trump any stories these Europeans may have. :) I'll get back to you on that.
Well, I need to get to bed. I'm running on "E" right now & need to get caught up. Thank you all for showing love for me. I am so thankful. I wish I could express it better... MUCH LOVE! <3
This photo was taken toward the end of the evening (a few shots in). It doesn't include some of the special people that made the trip to the Rail to visit and show some love. I really appreciate everyone coming out!!
Now that my praises to the porcelain throne has ceased, I can have a little reflection time.
Now that I am home and in my jammies, I can comfortably sit here and think about what this weekend meant. Of course, I am well aware that I am leaving, but to be honest, it really has not set in. I mean, I leave in FOUR DAYS! No more, "a few months," "a few weeks," etc. I am leaving very soon. I said goodbye with minimal tears this weekend. (Probably had a lot to do with the fact that I was super occupied with the constant throwing up, that I really didn't have time to cry.) I cried a bit when I actually got in the truck to leave town knowing that Hays is really in my rearview for the last time (in the near future, anyway). As I type this, I am still just trying to grasp that this is reality. I couldn't leave town saying, "I'll see you in a few weeks." Because I won't. I won't see all of my friends and family for nearly a year. I'm not typing this in fear or regret for making this decision. I type it in sadness that I can't take everyone with me to experience what I am getting ready to experience. I wish I could pack you all in my suitcase & take you with me. I guess my blog will have to do. :)
I am unbelievable grateful to my extended family in Hays. I would not have survived without you, that is no lie. I have so many experiences that I will take forever with me! And I can't wait to tell my new friends in Spain all the stories (that YOU did-NOT me, haha!)! I would put money on it that some of the stories we have can trump any stories these Europeans may have. :) I'll get back to you on that.
Well, I need to get to bed. I'm running on "E" right now & need to get caught up. Thank you all for showing love for me. I am so thankful. I wish I could express it better... MUCH LOVE! <3
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Chicago's Day Trip (Part 2)
Well, folks... all this traveling to & from Chicago and I finally have what I have been needing all along... MY VISA! The process was long & very trying, but it is nice to have it in my possession! FINALLY!
I journalized my day as I went. I just made notes on my iPod for future use, so I'll be copying those notes into here. It's from yesterday. I take you through my day as it occurs. You may not want to care about this part of my journey, you may just be waiting for the "juicy" stuff when I get to Spain. Trust me, I'm waiting for that part, too, but until then... THIS is what you get. :)
"I am on my flight to Altanta right now. Final destination: Chicago. It makes perfect sense that I pay $450 less than any direct flight I could find from Wichita to Chicago, in order to fly south to Altanta & THEN on to Chi-town, right? Ugh. I'll never understand it, but oh well. I am on my way to pick up my Visa. I have ALL of my documentation. According to what I am told, that is. I am hoping that this is a much smoother endeavor than last Chicago day trip. It's gonna be longer, but if all goes smoothly, I won't complain about the duration of my day. I am expecting, at the point, to walk into the consulate, give them my ID & my extra documentation, & they'll give it (my Visa) to me. Geez, I hope that's the case!! HaHa! If that goes smoothly, I am going to have lunch on the Navy Pier. Until then...
Flight to Chicago from the ATL just took off. It is 30 minutes shorter than my previous flight... Another something to ponder. On a positive note, I should be landing almost half an hour earlier. That'll be nice, especially if the consulate is overly busy, which I anticipate it being. But, hopefully they are quick & this day just goes smoothly!! (Knock, knock, knockin' on wood!!). I'll let you know how it goes, I promise.
I am currently in a taxi on my way back to the airport. My visa is in hand!! All this headache for a sticker in my passport... Oh well! It'll be worth it, right?! That's what I'm told. :) I'm sure it will be. The consulate was actually super slow today. Not sure what the deal was. When I say "slow," I mean I was able to get in & get out within 15-20 minutes. Impressive for their lethargic tendencies. What I hoped would happen was actually what happened! Bing Bing Bing!
I have had a good day of traveling so far. It hasn't been that bad at all. We'll see if I'm singing that same tune when I get back into Wichita & have to drive the 2 hours home. Should arrive around 12:30 in the morning. About 21 1/2 hours after I woke up. Ugh. I'm gonna try to find an earlier flight, if possible. I'm not gonna pay a million dollars, tho. If it's reasonable, I just may take it, tho! I just wanna be landed in Wichita & home-bound right now...
The part I hate most about these trips... Waiting. And waiting. And waiting. And... Well, you get the idea. I am on stand-by for an earlier flight to Atlanta, but my arrival in Wichita will be the same regardless of when I leave here. I strive to find things to occupy my time, unsuccessfully. So, I continue to update my blog notes for planned entry tomorrow. I sure wish I could sleep anywhere. I'm getting sleepy, but probably out of boredom. Closing this paragraph for now...
Well, I caught an earlier flight to Atlanta. Which allowed me time to find my gate with much less stress. Still sitting at the airport waiting to board the final flight! Of course, the last flight I take is the one that is delayed. Ugh!! I've been occupying my time with varied iPod music and people watching, of course. Always some characters at airports. Do you think they look at me & say the same thing about me? Oh well. I've seen numerous soldiers, a few very large men that very well could have been athletes in their younger days (judgement made based on their plethora of bling, sports adornments, etc), and you know, just the typical interesting people you find in any crowded space. Well, rando computer geek (no intention of negativity) just sat by me to wait for the guy to call our boarding zone... I'll close this paragraph & continue to jam to Stevie Nicks.
Mid-flight to the ICT right now. I did not realize that they had Sirius Satellite Radio on their little armrest things. Usually, it's crap. 80s on 8 was on fire! A little Outfield (shout out to Laura) & Michael Jackson... Switched it to 90s to enjoy a lil Tupac. This might make the flight go quicker! It seems we will be arriving to Wichita earlier than scheduled (so far). Bonus! I hope el capitan is not lying to me... I don't think I could handle it. What to do to stay awake during that 2 hour cruise home?? Sing!! Hopefully, the radio provides good background vocals. Alright, that's my flight entry. An hour to go... Side note: Just looked out my winder. I'm right near the wing & those lights are blinking on schedule... Cannot help but think of the Twilight Zone. I'm ready for some deathly skeletal creature to fly tandem with us right now..."
Well, there you have it. I was kind of wordy!! HaHa! I had a lot to say, apparently. That, or I was insanely bored!! Moral of the story: I HAVE MY VISA!! :)
I journalized my day as I went. I just made notes on my iPod for future use, so I'll be copying those notes into here. It's from yesterday. I take you through my day as it occurs. You may not want to care about this part of my journey, you may just be waiting for the "juicy" stuff when I get to Spain. Trust me, I'm waiting for that part, too, but until then... THIS is what you get. :)
"I am on my flight to Altanta right now. Final destination: Chicago. It makes perfect sense that I pay $450 less than any direct flight I could find from Wichita to Chicago, in order to fly south to Altanta & THEN on to Chi-town, right? Ugh. I'll never understand it, but oh well. I am on my way to pick up my Visa. I have ALL of my documentation. According to what I am told, that is. I am hoping that this is a much smoother endeavor than last Chicago day trip. It's gonna be longer, but if all goes smoothly, I won't complain about the duration of my day. I am expecting, at the point, to walk into the consulate, give them my ID & my extra documentation, & they'll give it (my Visa) to me. Geez, I hope that's the case!! HaHa! If that goes smoothly, I am going to have lunch on the Navy Pier. Until then...
Flight to Chicago from the ATL just took off. It is 30 minutes shorter than my previous flight... Another something to ponder. On a positive note, I should be landing almost half an hour earlier. That'll be nice, especially if the consulate is overly busy, which I anticipate it being. But, hopefully they are quick & this day just goes smoothly!! (Knock, knock, knockin' on wood!!). I'll let you know how it goes, I promise.
I am currently in a taxi on my way back to the airport. My visa is in hand!! All this headache for a sticker in my passport... Oh well! It'll be worth it, right?! That's what I'm told. :) I'm sure it will be. The consulate was actually super slow today. Not sure what the deal was. When I say "slow," I mean I was able to get in & get out within 15-20 minutes. Impressive for their lethargic tendencies. What I hoped would happen was actually what happened! Bing Bing Bing!
I have had a good day of traveling so far. It hasn't been that bad at all. We'll see if I'm singing that same tune when I get back into Wichita & have to drive the 2 hours home. Should arrive around 12:30 in the morning. About 21 1/2 hours after I woke up. Ugh. I'm gonna try to find an earlier flight, if possible. I'm not gonna pay a million dollars, tho. If it's reasonable, I just may take it, tho! I just wanna be landed in Wichita & home-bound right now...
The part I hate most about these trips... Waiting. And waiting. And waiting. And... Well, you get the idea. I am on stand-by for an earlier flight to Atlanta, but my arrival in Wichita will be the same regardless of when I leave here. I strive to find things to occupy my time, unsuccessfully. So, I continue to update my blog notes for planned entry tomorrow. I sure wish I could sleep anywhere. I'm getting sleepy, but probably out of boredom. Closing this paragraph for now...
Well, I caught an earlier flight to Atlanta. Which allowed me time to find my gate with much less stress. Still sitting at the airport waiting to board the final flight! Of course, the last flight I take is the one that is delayed. Ugh!! I've been occupying my time with varied iPod music and people watching, of course. Always some characters at airports. Do you think they look at me & say the same thing about me? Oh well. I've seen numerous soldiers, a few very large men that very well could have been athletes in their younger days (judgement made based on their plethora of bling, sports adornments, etc), and you know, just the typical interesting people you find in any crowded space. Well, rando computer geek (no intention of negativity) just sat by me to wait for the guy to call our boarding zone... I'll close this paragraph & continue to jam to Stevie Nicks.
Mid-flight to the ICT right now. I did not realize that they had Sirius Satellite Radio on their little armrest things. Usually, it's crap. 80s on 8 was on fire! A little Outfield (shout out to Laura) & Michael Jackson... Switched it to 90s to enjoy a lil Tupac. This might make the flight go quicker! It seems we will be arriving to Wichita earlier than scheduled (so far). Bonus! I hope el capitan is not lying to me... I don't think I could handle it. What to do to stay awake during that 2 hour cruise home?? Sing!! Hopefully, the radio provides good background vocals. Alright, that's my flight entry. An hour to go... Side note: Just looked out my winder. I'm right near the wing & those lights are blinking on schedule... Cannot help but think of the Twilight Zone. I'm ready for some deathly skeletal creature to fly tandem with us right now..."
Well, there you have it. I was kind of wordy!! HaHa! I had a lot to say, apparently. That, or I was insanely bored!! Moral of the story: I HAVE MY VISA!! :)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Roots & Wings (Going Public!)
Well, hello friends!
This entry will be the first time I "share" my blog on Facebook & start actually giving the link to my friends and family. As you can see, I've been occasionally posting since June. For those of you who are reading my blog, please be warned: There should be a "Parental Advisory" sticker on it. :) I want my journal to be as authentic as possible. Therefore, you may see my frustrations in a language not suitable for children. I will do my best to keep it at a minimum, I promise. I just want you to feel as close to what I am feeling as possible. That said, I will continue on with this entry... ENJOY!
I have thought a lot in the last few weeks since I've been back home and had some time to myself... thought about how awesome this experience will be and it has made me reflect on my past, too. In high school, I would NEVER have imagined something like this becoming a reality for me. It was never even in my frame of mind. I am incredibly lucky that I get to do this. Thinking about how lucky I am, I got to thinking about how lucky I've been... Let me elaborate...
No one's life is perfect; mine least of all. I've never thought that. In fact, I grew up being pretty negative about things. I always wanted more or hated how things were. In hindsight, I see how negative I was and the attitude I had (there, Dad, I admitted it!). I found things to complain about, when in reality, I have had a pretty good life so far. Yes, I've had some obstacles thrown in my way. You all know that well enough. But I have became the person I am today because of those obstacles and my efforts to move past them. Let it be known that I am not saying things are easier, I sure as hell still have my bad days and times that I don't think will pass... But every single time, things do get better. And that attitude? I still have it. It's more that I am a stubborn person. Hmmm... wonder where I got that? :)
To continue... I want to highlight some of the things I have been lucky enough to experience. Don't think of this as a bragging session. It is nothing like that. This is my reflection.
First and foremost, I have some amazing family and friends that have shared these experiences or have encouraged me throughout. I couldn't or wouldn't have done it without that. That's certain.
In my younger years, I was lucky enough to have a family to go on vacations with. My parents were really good about taking us places and I think that has led to the bond that we share and the familial values that we possess now. We went places that, I won't lie, I HATED (Skiing, anyone?). And at the time, I am positive I would have rather been anywhere else! But looking back, there's no where else I should have been. Even if I was falling my way down a mountain in Colorado. I was lucky enough to have a family to do those things and record those memories with. Some may not have been so fortunate. Some of my favorite trips were the football games. Dad was very good about taking us to some Wildcat bowl games. I don't think I ever saw them win, though. HaHa, go figure. I remember a Chiefs/Bills game (quite unlike the one last week, mind you) that we went down to the lower level to visit with Steve Tasker. I also remember my junior year of high school... Dad took us to see Lynyrd Skynyrd and ZZ Top in Wichita. I was so excited to see ZZ Top!! (Skynyrd, too, but La Grange?-Hell yeah!) I'm grateful for the memories. My family is not perfect, but it has been a fun ride. :)
I went to JuCo at Cloud in Concordia. I had a scholarship to be a part of the Great Society (the show choir). As a part of that group, we got to do a little traveling. One of my favorite places was Oregon. It's so pretty up there! We went to Portland to perform, but had a day off to be tourists. We went to a beach about an hour away. When we walked onto this beach, many of us looked around and thought it looked familiar for some reason. Turns out, we were on Cannon Beach... where they filmed THE GOONIES! (One of the GREATEST movies!) We were like kids on the beach that day! HaHa!
I've also got to make a couple trips to Mexico (prior to all the drug cartel issues). Cozumel, to be exact. If you have the chance to go, DO IT! It is fairly inexpensive and it is one of the most beautiful places! Crystal clear blue/green waters, friendly locals, and plenty of things to do and see! It was awesome! While you are there, do not forget to board the Jean Lafitte for a Pirate Booze Cruise adventure that you'll never forget!!
I've been to Vegas a few times. It was one of our vacations as kids and that was a blast, for sure. Going as an adult? A whole different kind of fun! Treasure Island is my favorite hotel followed closely by Caesar's Palace. I went with my bestie from Cloud when we turned 21. We got to see Tyra Banks with all the other "Angels Across America" Victoria's Secret models at the Bellagio. We rode the rides on top of the Stratosphere (a HUGE accomplishment for this girl who is TERRIFIED of heights). I got to go with a group last time and we had an incredible time! One of the nights, we all dressed up in our finest and rented a limo. We then made our way to our PRIVATE cabana on top of Caesar's Palace for a VIP night we will never forget (thanks to the pictures)! We had our own security guard and bottle service. Classy. HaHa!
I have been to Chicago, Florida, California, Detroit, and Alaska, to name a few. I've seen Eminem live 4 times, 3 of those times from the front row and twice in his hometown. I've had unbelievable experiences on weekend or day trips with my friends that are too numerous to mention. Maybe in another time of reflection, I'll bring those up, but not right now... You all know who you are and what we shared!
One more highlight, however, that deserves mentioning and is the primary reason I chose to embark on this journey to Spain... My 2 1/2 week adventure to Peru in South America in the summer of 2010. I went on it, originally, as a new experience and wanting to see another culture and way of life. I got way more out of it than an experience. I don't want to go too into detail because I could write for days. I'll highlight some of the things I got to do... I tried so many new foods (blood pudding, alpaca, ceviche, mussels)! I got to paraglide in the Andes. Let's remember, I'm terrified of heights, but I thought there would be no better way to confront that fear than head on. It was unbelievable! The final highlight I want to mention: I got to hike and see firsthand Machu Picchu. It was honestly indescribable. Beautiful! And it's so well-kept and preserved. The Inca sure new what they were doing. Amazing. That's all I can say. Simply Amazing.
Because of that trip abroad, I decided to apply for this program. It's a much longer adventure than 2 1/2 weeks, sure. But the things I am going to be fortunate enough to see will be the trip of a lifetime for me. I hope that I can put it into words (and eventually photos) well enough for you to feel as if you are there. I am going to try. :)
I know that this entry is fairly lengthy. If you've made it this far, I hope that I haven't bored you. I know it's not as exciting to read as it is for me to write it, but I appreciate that you did.
Please feel free to comment or send me messages with advice on how to better my blog for your reading purposes. I hope that you enjoy it!
Thanks to my family and friends for supporting my decisions and helping me get through this. Lord knows it's been pretty trying sometimes and I've considered giving up on occasion, but I'm glad I stuck it out. Largely in part of the support I received. Thank you. So much!
This entry will be the first time I "share" my blog on Facebook & start actually giving the link to my friends and family. As you can see, I've been occasionally posting since June. For those of you who are reading my blog, please be warned: There should be a "Parental Advisory" sticker on it. :) I want my journal to be as authentic as possible. Therefore, you may see my frustrations in a language not suitable for children. I will do my best to keep it at a minimum, I promise. I just want you to feel as close to what I am feeling as possible. That said, I will continue on with this entry... ENJOY!
I have thought a lot in the last few weeks since I've been back home and had some time to myself... thought about how awesome this experience will be and it has made me reflect on my past, too. In high school, I would NEVER have imagined something like this becoming a reality for me. It was never even in my frame of mind. I am incredibly lucky that I get to do this. Thinking about how lucky I am, I got to thinking about how lucky I've been... Let me elaborate...
No one's life is perfect; mine least of all. I've never thought that. In fact, I grew up being pretty negative about things. I always wanted more or hated how things were. In hindsight, I see how negative I was and the attitude I had (there, Dad, I admitted it!). I found things to complain about, when in reality, I have had a pretty good life so far. Yes, I've had some obstacles thrown in my way. You all know that well enough. But I have became the person I am today because of those obstacles and my efforts to move past them. Let it be known that I am not saying things are easier, I sure as hell still have my bad days and times that I don't think will pass... But every single time, things do get better. And that attitude? I still have it. It's more that I am a stubborn person. Hmmm... wonder where I got that? :)
To continue... I want to highlight some of the things I have been lucky enough to experience. Don't think of this as a bragging session. It is nothing like that. This is my reflection.
First and foremost, I have some amazing family and friends that have shared these experiences or have encouraged me throughout. I couldn't or wouldn't have done it without that. That's certain.
In my younger years, I was lucky enough to have a family to go on vacations with. My parents were really good about taking us places and I think that has led to the bond that we share and the familial values that we possess now. We went places that, I won't lie, I HATED (Skiing, anyone?). And at the time, I am positive I would have rather been anywhere else! But looking back, there's no where else I should have been. Even if I was falling my way down a mountain in Colorado. I was lucky enough to have a family to do those things and record those memories with. Some may not have been so fortunate. Some of my favorite trips were the football games. Dad was very good about taking us to some Wildcat bowl games. I don't think I ever saw them win, though. HaHa, go figure. I remember a Chiefs/Bills game (quite unlike the one last week, mind you) that we went down to the lower level to visit with Steve Tasker. I also remember my junior year of high school... Dad took us to see Lynyrd Skynyrd and ZZ Top in Wichita. I was so excited to see ZZ Top!! (Skynyrd, too, but La Grange?-Hell yeah!) I'm grateful for the memories. My family is not perfect, but it has been a fun ride. :)
I went to JuCo at Cloud in Concordia. I had a scholarship to be a part of the Great Society (the show choir). As a part of that group, we got to do a little traveling. One of my favorite places was Oregon. It's so pretty up there! We went to Portland to perform, but had a day off to be tourists. We went to a beach about an hour away. When we walked onto this beach, many of us looked around and thought it looked familiar for some reason. Turns out, we were on Cannon Beach... where they filmed THE GOONIES! (One of the GREATEST movies!) We were like kids on the beach that day! HaHa!
I've also got to make a couple trips to Mexico (prior to all the drug cartel issues). Cozumel, to be exact. If you have the chance to go, DO IT! It is fairly inexpensive and it is one of the most beautiful places! Crystal clear blue/green waters, friendly locals, and plenty of things to do and see! It was awesome! While you are there, do not forget to board the Jean Lafitte for a Pirate Booze Cruise adventure that you'll never forget!!
I've been to Vegas a few times. It was one of our vacations as kids and that was a blast, for sure. Going as an adult? A whole different kind of fun! Treasure Island is my favorite hotel followed closely by Caesar's Palace. I went with my bestie from Cloud when we turned 21. We got to see Tyra Banks with all the other "Angels Across America" Victoria's Secret models at the Bellagio. We rode the rides on top of the Stratosphere (a HUGE accomplishment for this girl who is TERRIFIED of heights). I got to go with a group last time and we had an incredible time! One of the nights, we all dressed up in our finest and rented a limo. We then made our way to our PRIVATE cabana on top of Caesar's Palace for a VIP night we will never forget (thanks to the pictures)! We had our own security guard and bottle service. Classy. HaHa!
I have been to Chicago, Florida, California, Detroit, and Alaska, to name a few. I've seen Eminem live 4 times, 3 of those times from the front row and twice in his hometown. I've had unbelievable experiences on weekend or day trips with my friends that are too numerous to mention. Maybe in another time of reflection, I'll bring those up, but not right now... You all know who you are and what we shared!
One more highlight, however, that deserves mentioning and is the primary reason I chose to embark on this journey to Spain... My 2 1/2 week adventure to Peru in South America in the summer of 2010. I went on it, originally, as a new experience and wanting to see another culture and way of life. I got way more out of it than an experience. I don't want to go too into detail because I could write for days. I'll highlight some of the things I got to do... I tried so many new foods (blood pudding, alpaca, ceviche, mussels)! I got to paraglide in the Andes. Let's remember, I'm terrified of heights, but I thought there would be no better way to confront that fear than head on. It was unbelievable! The final highlight I want to mention: I got to hike and see firsthand Machu Picchu. It was honestly indescribable. Beautiful! And it's so well-kept and preserved. The Inca sure new what they were doing. Amazing. That's all I can say. Simply Amazing.
Because of that trip abroad, I decided to apply for this program. It's a much longer adventure than 2 1/2 weeks, sure. But the things I am going to be fortunate enough to see will be the trip of a lifetime for me. I hope that I can put it into words (and eventually photos) well enough for you to feel as if you are there. I am going to try. :)
I know that this entry is fairly lengthy. If you've made it this far, I hope that I haven't bored you. I know it's not as exciting to read as it is for me to write it, but I appreciate that you did.
Please feel free to comment or send me messages with advice on how to better my blog for your reading purposes. I hope that you enjoy it!
Thanks to my family and friends for supporting my decisions and helping me get through this. Lord knows it's been pretty trying sometimes and I've considered giving up on occasion, but I'm glad I stuck it out. Largely in part of the support I received. Thank you. So much!
Monday, September 12, 2011
This. Is. Getting. Very. Real.
Well, hello!
I am writing today because I finally received word that my Visa is completed!! Upon hearing that, I quickly booked my flight to Chicago to pick it up! (This flight was nearly $250 more than my last day trip to Chicago & I now have to make connections in Atlanta...STUPID! But this particular flight was hundreds-literally-cheaper than any other flight I could find!!)
In addition to confirming Chicago, I HAVE OFFICIALLY BOOKED MY FLIGHT TO SPAIN!! I'm super excited!! I leave on September 29th & will arrive in Granada on the 30th around 1:00 in the afternoon! 24 hours of traveling, but it will be SO worth it!! HaHa! Man, here we go! Can you believe it?! I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. It's pretty intense.
I also received my "business cards" in the mail today. That means, I'm gonna make my blog public here very soon. I made these cards so I could put all of my information on there & make sure everyone has easy access to it! (Everyone that wants to, anyway!)
I have been keeping in pretty good contact with Joanne, my future roommate. :) She seems very cool! She's done her share of traveling and is from Europe, so I think she'll become a HUGE asset to this girl! I just hope I don't annoy her with my constant questions. I'm learning (very slowly, mind you) that I need to have a much more laid back attitude... a "go with the flow" kinda thing. I have a very hard time with that concept, but I think it'll make me age less quickly. HaHa!
I can't believe it's finally here. This is what I have been waiting for, right? Time has flown so fast, yet creeped slowly by. I am about to experience something incredible! I hope this blog helps you all experience it with me, too. As much as you can, anyway!
Well, off to pick up the niece at daycare!! Adios for now!
I am writing today because I finally received word that my Visa is completed!! Upon hearing that, I quickly booked my flight to Chicago to pick it up! (This flight was nearly $250 more than my last day trip to Chicago & I now have to make connections in Atlanta...STUPID! But this particular flight was hundreds-literally-cheaper than any other flight I could find!!)
In addition to confirming Chicago, I HAVE OFFICIALLY BOOKED MY FLIGHT TO SPAIN!! I'm super excited!! I leave on September 29th & will arrive in Granada on the 30th around 1:00 in the afternoon! 24 hours of traveling, but it will be SO worth it!! HaHa! Man, here we go! Can you believe it?! I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. It's pretty intense.
I also received my "business cards" in the mail today. That means, I'm gonna make my blog public here very soon. I made these cards so I could put all of my information on there & make sure everyone has easy access to it! (Everyone that wants to, anyway!)
I have been keeping in pretty good contact with Joanne, my future roommate. :) She seems very cool! She's done her share of traveling and is from Europe, so I think she'll become a HUGE asset to this girl! I just hope I don't annoy her with my constant questions. I'm learning (very slowly, mind you) that I need to have a much more laid back attitude... a "go with the flow" kinda thing. I have a very hard time with that concept, but I think it'll make me age less quickly. HaHa!
I can't believe it's finally here. This is what I have been waiting for, right? Time has flown so fast, yet creeped slowly by. I am about to experience something incredible! I hope this blog helps you all experience it with me, too. As much as you can, anyway!
Well, off to pick up the niece at daycare!! Adios for now!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Getting as much "friend" time as possible!!
Today, I head to Wichita to visit an old college friend that I haven't seen in at least five years. Leaving the country sure makes people wanna see you more!! HaHa! Get as much of me as they can! (Bcuz I am THAT cool!) HaHa, JK! I love it. I love that I have so many close friends and people in my life that they want to spend time with me. It's way better than being lonely, right?!
I wish that I could make it to see a few other people that I will dearly miss that live outside of Kansas. It's just not realistic for me to fly to them or vice versa... too expensive. I know I can't afford something like that when I'm paying for a move overseas. Oh, if only I were loaded with money!!
Hays treats me well everytime I get to visit there. I have one more trip planned, my very last weekend in the states, and I will take full advantage of it! I am excited to see all the people there that have really influenced my life and who are very special to me. You know who you are! And if you're one of those people who are just reading my blog to "stalk" me and then talk shit... Feel free to step away right now. Or keep reading and know that I am doing well. I'm not a fan of the shady! HaHa! (Unless it is a bit of the SLIM Shady) ;)
I am excited for tonight's overnight. Haven't seen this little CT in too damn long. Should not be short of entertainment for the evening! HaHa!
That said, I need to get dressed & on the road!!! Dueces! I'll catch ya in the next few days!!
I wish that I could make it to see a few other people that I will dearly miss that live outside of Kansas. It's just not realistic for me to fly to them or vice versa... too expensive. I know I can't afford something like that when I'm paying for a move overseas. Oh, if only I were loaded with money!!
Hays treats me well everytime I get to visit there. I have one more trip planned, my very last weekend in the states, and I will take full advantage of it! I am excited to see all the people there that have really influenced my life and who are very special to me. You know who you are! And if you're one of those people who are just reading my blog to "stalk" me and then talk shit... Feel free to step away right now. Or keep reading and know that I am doing well. I'm not a fan of the shady! HaHa! (Unless it is a bit of the SLIM Shady) ;)
I am excited for tonight's overnight. Haven't seen this little CT in too damn long. Should not be short of entertainment for the evening! HaHa!
That said, I need to get dressed & on the road!!! Dueces! I'll catch ya in the next few days!!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
A light at the end of the tunnel??
I feel like I am peeking around the corner and see a faint hint of a light... I have been working so hard on this new phase of my life. I guess they say that, "Nothing worthwhile is ever easy." I'm clinging to that saying. And my friend, Clint Massey, also said that, "If it were easy, everyone would be doing it." So true, sir. So true.
So, I said I had some big news... I know you have been on the edge of your seats! Well, settle down... it's here!
I have found a place to live in Spain!!! How big of a weight is that off my shoulder?! GINORMOUS! I can breathe a little bit. At the beginning of September, I started getting some e-mails from the people I will be working with in Spain. They connected me with a Ms. Joanne Reilly who will be working in the same school with me! I thought I'd be solo! And I'm super glad that I am not. She actually made a holiday trip to Spain last week to see the school and see about some living arrangments. She found us a fully furnished townhouse for 200E a month (roughly $288) all bills included. It is a 3 story townhouse and we will have the 3rd floor to ourselves. We will be living with a family who stays on the 1st floor, but overall, I think it is probably best for the situation alltogether. My dad will feel a little more secure about me living with someone and not alone. It makes me feel better, too. With such a huge leap and change, it would probably be better for me to have someone there just in case. And should I choose to do this another year, then I will re-evaluate where I am and how I feel. Maybe I'll get my own flat. Flat. Did you hear that? I'm talking European already! HaHa!
Our place is only a 4 minute walk to work every day. Unfortunately, I won't have internet access at the house. To my understanding, there is no connection. I will, however, have access at my school and at local cafes/bars, etc. I will keep this updated, I promise. :)
So, there it is... the big news I have been waiting for. :) I was so nervous about that, but things seem to finally be going in my favor a bit. (I'm knocking on wood right now, harder than you could ever believe!)
Well, there's that entry. Might be back for more a bit later. :) Maybe not. But, I will be back soooooon!!
So, I said I had some big news... I know you have been on the edge of your seats! Well, settle down... it's here!
I have found a place to live in Spain!!! How big of a weight is that off my shoulder?! GINORMOUS! I can breathe a little bit. At the beginning of September, I started getting some e-mails from the people I will be working with in Spain. They connected me with a Ms. Joanne Reilly who will be working in the same school with me! I thought I'd be solo! And I'm super glad that I am not. She actually made a holiday trip to Spain last week to see the school and see about some living arrangments. She found us a fully furnished townhouse for 200E a month (roughly $288) all bills included. It is a 3 story townhouse and we will have the 3rd floor to ourselves. We will be living with a family who stays on the 1st floor, but overall, I think it is probably best for the situation alltogether. My dad will feel a little more secure about me living with someone and not alone. It makes me feel better, too. With such a huge leap and change, it would probably be better for me to have someone there just in case. And should I choose to do this another year, then I will re-evaluate where I am and how I feel. Maybe I'll get my own flat. Flat. Did you hear that? I'm talking European already! HaHa!
Our place is only a 4 minute walk to work every day. Unfortunately, I won't have internet access at the house. To my understanding, there is no connection. I will, however, have access at my school and at local cafes/bars, etc. I will keep this updated, I promise. :)
So, there it is... the big news I have been waiting for. :) I was so nervous about that, but things seem to finally be going in my favor a bit. (I'm knocking on wood right now, harder than you could ever believe!)
Well, there's that entry. Might be back for more a bit later. :) Maybe not. But, I will be back soooooon!!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Chicago... A day trip
Oh, man!
I know I have neglected my blogging responsibilities lately and my apologies to my avid reader. (Singular, on purpose...haha!)
Since we last spoke, I have been to Chicago to begin the Visa process... Let me tell you about that experience... OH, MAN! As you've read, this process has just been one headache after another. Of course my first trip to Chicago could be no different...
Ok, let's start with the fact that I couldn't sleep at all due to the unbelievable nerves I was dealing with. I had no idea what to expect. I was incredibly nervous. My flight was supposed to leave at 6:10 a.m. My Visa interview was set for 10:20 in downtown Chicago, about a 30 minute taxi ride from O'Hare. Our little desk clerk man at the airport popped on the PA system and said (at 6:10, mind you... and we hadn't even boarded yet), "Due to some mechanical issues, the flight to Chicago will be delayed. We'll keep you posted." Breathe, Ashley. Just breathe. I patiently waited until 6:40 when we hadn't heard anything yet about these mechanical issues or if our flight would ever take off. So, I joined about 50 others in a line to talk to the desk clerk man. I was very kind and politely asked about other options and tried to explain my interview importance (the fact that the my future was resting on it, etc). The desk clerk man kindly informed me he could transfer me to a United flight to Chicago that was leaving in 10 minutes. I, literally, had to run from one point of the airport to the complete opposite side. GOOD THING IT WAS JUST WICHITA! I made it. And just in time for a Chicago arrival during morning rush hour...awesome. As I sat in the taxi on my way through the city of Chicago, I kept thinking, "Man, my dad would be PISSED right now!" HaHa... the traffic was at a standstill on more than 10 occasions, haha!
So now we are in Chicago... I was 30 minutes early for my interview. They, however, were an hour and 10 minutes late for my interview. It was just fantastic. Now, I was picturing this whole experience as an "interview" scenario. I expected to be called into an office or board room setting and interviewed, right? Nope. That is not how it works at all. You walk into this room that reminds you a lot of the waiting room in a doctor's office. There was two rows of chairs for people to sit in and 3 glass windows in front of you. THAT is where you get interviewed. You walk up and talk to a person through the glass with everyone else chilling in the waiting room. They didn't listen to you, but they sure could have if they wanted to. So, finally, at 11:30, my name gets called... At this point, I am kinda just annoyed and really tired of dealing with all of this stuff, so I'm not really nervous. I'm prepared. I have everything I need. Or so I thought. I hand this man all of my stuff and he checks it all over and makes polite conversation (in English) with me. Then... He asks me, "Where is your apostille?" I point to what I thought (and was told) was the "apostille." He quickly corrected me and said it was not the apostille and that I would have to get ahold of the Secrectary of State of KS in order to get this "apostille." Are you FREAKIN' kidding me?! He was a very nice guy... and said they'd process the visa application and to just bring the "apostille" when I pick up the Visa. Yes, I have to go back to Chicago again & pick up the Visa in person. Another exciting part of this whole adventure. :) My "interview" is now over & I am free to go. I now must wait for their e-mail so I can go pick it up.
A fun part of this adventure... I hailed my first taxi!! HaHa! And I was successful on my first try!! Headed back to the airport where I lunched & waiting for my departure at Gate G17. I just happened to check on the departure/arrival screen to verify my flight. This is where I found out I was not departing from G17... I was departing from a different terminal. I then had to make my way to that new terminal where I found I was not the only one dealing with this excitement of a flight schedule. Little bonus to the flight home... I got to sit by myself!! No rude neighbor, no crying baby... just me. I did my best to sleep, but not too successfully.
THAT was my Chicago adventure... It was awful! As soon as I got back, I contacted the Secretary of State's office. I asked, rather annoyed, how long this apostille thing was going to take. I was expecting a few weeks... She said, "if you walk in, it will only take a few moments!" OMG! I haven't heard something so positive in such a long time!!! I actually had to go to Kansas City the following week, so I made a little detour and got everything taken care of!! I now have ALL of my documentation and am not STRESSED anymore... Well, less stressed. I doubt stress will ever fully vacate my life. HaHa.
Ok, so that's gonna be my entry for now. I am a little more free with my time, so expect more soon!! I have some big news coming soon!! Stay tuned...
I know I have neglected my blogging responsibilities lately and my apologies to my avid reader. (Singular, on purpose...haha!)
Since we last spoke, I have been to Chicago to begin the Visa process... Let me tell you about that experience... OH, MAN! As you've read, this process has just been one headache after another. Of course my first trip to Chicago could be no different...
Ok, let's start with the fact that I couldn't sleep at all due to the unbelievable nerves I was dealing with. I had no idea what to expect. I was incredibly nervous. My flight was supposed to leave at 6:10 a.m. My Visa interview was set for 10:20 in downtown Chicago, about a 30 minute taxi ride from O'Hare. Our little desk clerk man at the airport popped on the PA system and said (at 6:10, mind you... and we hadn't even boarded yet), "Due to some mechanical issues, the flight to Chicago will be delayed. We'll keep you posted." Breathe, Ashley. Just breathe. I patiently waited until 6:40 when we hadn't heard anything yet about these mechanical issues or if our flight would ever take off. So, I joined about 50 others in a line to talk to the desk clerk man. I was very kind and politely asked about other options and tried to explain my interview importance (the fact that the my future was resting on it, etc). The desk clerk man kindly informed me he could transfer me to a United flight to Chicago that was leaving in 10 minutes. I, literally, had to run from one point of the airport to the complete opposite side. GOOD THING IT WAS JUST WICHITA! I made it. And just in time for a Chicago arrival during morning rush hour...awesome. As I sat in the taxi on my way through the city of Chicago, I kept thinking, "Man, my dad would be PISSED right now!" HaHa... the traffic was at a standstill on more than 10 occasions, haha!
So now we are in Chicago... I was 30 minutes early for my interview. They, however, were an hour and 10 minutes late for my interview. It was just fantastic. Now, I was picturing this whole experience as an "interview" scenario. I expected to be called into an office or board room setting and interviewed, right? Nope. That is not how it works at all. You walk into this room that reminds you a lot of the waiting room in a doctor's office. There was two rows of chairs for people to sit in and 3 glass windows in front of you. THAT is where you get interviewed. You walk up and talk to a person through the glass with everyone else chilling in the waiting room. They didn't listen to you, but they sure could have if they wanted to. So, finally, at 11:30, my name gets called... At this point, I am kinda just annoyed and really tired of dealing with all of this stuff, so I'm not really nervous. I'm prepared. I have everything I need. Or so I thought. I hand this man all of my stuff and he checks it all over and makes polite conversation (in English) with me. Then... He asks me, "Where is your apostille?" I point to what I thought (and was told) was the "apostille." He quickly corrected me and said it was not the apostille and that I would have to get ahold of the Secrectary of State of KS in order to get this "apostille." Are you FREAKIN' kidding me?! He was a very nice guy... and said they'd process the visa application and to just bring the "apostille" when I pick up the Visa. Yes, I have to go back to Chicago again & pick up the Visa in person. Another exciting part of this whole adventure. :) My "interview" is now over & I am free to go. I now must wait for their e-mail so I can go pick it up.
A fun part of this adventure... I hailed my first taxi!! HaHa! And I was successful on my first try!! Headed back to the airport where I lunched & waiting for my departure at Gate G17. I just happened to check on the departure/arrival screen to verify my flight. This is where I found out I was not departing from G17... I was departing from a different terminal. I then had to make my way to that new terminal where I found I was not the only one dealing with this excitement of a flight schedule. Little bonus to the flight home... I got to sit by myself!! No rude neighbor, no crying baby... just me. I did my best to sleep, but not too successfully.
THAT was my Chicago adventure... It was awful! As soon as I got back, I contacted the Secretary of State's office. I asked, rather annoyed, how long this apostille thing was going to take. I was expecting a few weeks... She said, "if you walk in, it will only take a few moments!" OMG! I haven't heard something so positive in such a long time!!! I actually had to go to Kansas City the following week, so I made a little detour and got everything taken care of!! I now have ALL of my documentation and am not STRESSED anymore... Well, less stressed. I doubt stress will ever fully vacate my life. HaHa.
Ok, so that's gonna be my entry for now. I am a little more free with my time, so expect more soon!! I have some big news coming soon!! Stay tuned...
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