

Monday, September 12, 2011

This. Is. Getting. Very. Real.

Well, hello!

I am writing today because I finally received word that my Visa is completed!!  Upon hearing that, I quickly booked my flight to Chicago to pick it up! (This flight was nearly $250 more than my last day trip to Chicago & I now have to make connections in Atlanta...STUPID!  But this particular flight was hundreds-literally-cheaper than any other flight I could find!!)

In addition to confirming Chicago, I HAVE OFFICIALLY BOOKED MY FLIGHT TO SPAIN!!  I'm super excited!!  I leave on September 29th & will arrive in Granada on the 30th around 1:00 in the afternoon!  24 hours of traveling, but it will be SO worth it!!  HaHa!  Man, here we go!  Can you believe it?!  I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.  It's pretty intense.

I also received my "business cards" in the mail today.  That means, I'm gonna make my blog public here very soon.  I made these cards so I could put all of my information on there & make sure everyone has easy access to it!  (Everyone that wants to, anyway!) 

I have been keeping in pretty good contact with Joanne, my future roommate.  :)  She seems very cool!  She's done her share of traveling and is from Europe, so I think she'll become a HUGE asset to this girl!  I just hope I don't annoy her with my constant questions.  I'm learning (very slowly, mind you) that I need to have a much more laid back attitude... a "go with the flow" kinda thing.  I have a very hard time with that concept, but I think it'll make me age less quickly.  HaHa!

I can't believe it's finally here.  This is what I have been waiting for, right?  Time has flown so fast, yet creeped slowly by.  I am about to experience something incredible!  I hope this blog helps you all experience it with me, too.  As much as you can, anyway! 

Well, off to pick up the niece at daycare!!  Adios for now!

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