

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Simple Man

Well, folks... This is it!  I am taking off for Spain tomorrow!  I can't believe it is finally here.  It has taken so long, but in hindsight, it has FLOWN by!  I just can't believe that this weekend, I will be in Spain.  HaHa, wow... Here we go, kids!  Let's enjoy the ride!

So, why the "Simple Man" title?  Well, haha, it's simple.  :)  I have been packing and planning and preparing and shopping and... Ugh.  While driving to Wal-Mart for the 3rd time in 3 days or running by the bank for a last deposit/withdrawal... I've had some time to myself & there's nothing better than a little music, especially if it fits the mood or point in my life.  Typically, I would go to Marshall first.  But, since my little brother does not share the same passion for Eminem as I do and he is so graciously allowing me to use his truck to run my errands, I must utilize his musical options.  Well, he's got fantastic taste, too.  Today, I stuck to Skynyrd pretty closely.  Simple Man is one of my all-time favorite songs on the planet.  I played it over & over & over today.  I thought, "Oooo, the title for tonight's entry & I can quote some of the lyrics & relate them to my exciting life!"  HaHa!

"Take your time.  Don't live too fast.  Trouble's will come & they will pass."  I feel like this whole summer has just went so quickly and that I was so busy that I may not have gotten to enjoy it like I wanted to.  I worked my ass off at work and in the quest of the great Visa.  Moving was a huge headache.  I just felt like it was constantly "GO! GO! GO!"  It kind of was.  I've been reading a little about the attitude of Spain.  It's so much more laid back than here.  I mean, who would not love to take a "siesta" every day and just enjoy a slower paced life?  Man, I gotta say... this girl is looking forward to that!  I can only imagine what this experience is going to do for me.  When I get back next year, I hope that the laid back attitude comes with me!  I am so concerned about organization and things needing to be on schedule, etc... I am looking forward to not being so uptight about things.  And I am sure that I will encounter some bumps in the road and some points where I really question myself or the decision to take this opportunity, but these troubles, as Skynyrd said, will pass... This will be a great experience and the only person that stands in the way of it not being a great experience is myself.  It will only be rough if I let it be rough.

"All that you need is in your soul.  You can do this, if you try.  All that I want for you, my son, is to be satisfied."  I know that I am a strong person.  But I would be lying if I said I wasn't questioning if I can really do this... If I REALLY have the strength to move thousands of miles away from everything & everyone I know.  But I will never know if I have the strength if I don't try at all.  I could never live with the regret of "What If?"  Never.  I know there is strength deep down within & I am hoping that it will come out in full force!  But I'm not willing to live with not trying.

"Don't you worry.  You'll find yourself.  Follow your heart and nothing else."  I am not sure about the not worrying part.  It would be extremely unlike me NOT to worry, but I am going to just try to relax and let this happen.  I expect to find a whole new version of myself through this experience.  I will never run away from who I really am, but maybe this will open up new doors into what lies inside.  I know some people (Dad...) question me doing this and may not understand why, but I'm doing it because I have to follow my heart.  I have to.  I wouldn't be satisfied if I didn't.

Well... That's my look into Skynyrd and myself, HaHa!  Hope it wasn't too boring.  :)  I guess this blog is as much for me as it is for anyone that is reading it.  :)

Tonight, we had supper as a family.  I had to say a couple good-bye's.  They aren't easy.  I know it's not like I'm leaving forever or going into a war zone like so many other brave people, but I am going to miss my family.  And my friends.  I'm doing ok crying-wise.  HaHa.  I am trying to be strong, but I think tears are ok.  They're happy tears.  They aren't coming from a place of regret.  :)  Ugh... I'm trying to be tough, but I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be another story... tomorrow is when I have to say goodbye to the padre.  You all know how close I am to that guy... It'll be rough.  I've got the tissue handy.  :)

Well, this will be my final entry from the United States!  I will be thousands of miles away when I type the next entry... Man, that's crazy!  Let life begin!!  And...

God Bless the Simple Man.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful entry! So proud of you. Safe travels. I love you much!
