

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

I Turn To You

This one is for my crew... my people... my homies... the ones who are always there for me... mi familia sin sangre... I'm not going to name drop in this one. You know who you are. When I think about friendship and putting into lyrical format, this Christina Aguilera song is one of my favorites.


"When I'm down, you're there pushing me to the top. You're always there giving me all you've got."

I don't suppose I need to go into a crazy amount of detail here, but I'll do my best. I have some really solid people in my corner that have had to work overtime this year to help support me. Even when they were enduring rough waters of their own, they were still putting energy and effort into helping me stand tall. I truly don't believe I could even really relay how significant these people are in my life. Again, you know who you are. I am so incredibly grateful for the consistent and unrelenting support from you. I could never express my gratitude enough.

"For a shield from the storm, for a friend, for a love to keep me safe and warm, I turn to you. For the strength to be strong, for the will to carry on, for everything you do, for everything that's true, I turn to you."

Some of the storms of 2017 were pretty torrential, if I'm being honest. You know some of them through this blog, but there are others that won't be mentioned. My closest supporters do know about these storms. Some of my supervisors and classmates through school became an extension of my own person at times. Then there are those lifers that have been on my side from the first day we met. It takes a lot for me to let people inside my walls, but those that have made the climb and have been allowed inside are absolutely invaluable to me.
"When I lose the will to win, I just reach for you and I can reach the sky again."

There were numerous times that I felt like quitting or giving up. There were times where all I'd want to do was cry and the tears would not come. When I wasn't able to find the light in the darkness, they lit a match.

"When I need a friend, you're always on my side, giving me faith to get me through the night."

Seriously, I can't express my gratitude enough. Like, to my people: You have absolutely no idea how much you've impacted me and how incredibly fortunate I am to call you my people. I am forever thankful.

"For the arms to be my shelter through all the rain. For truth that will never change. For someone to lean on. For a heart I can rely on through anything. For the one who I can run to."

I turn to you.

Much love.

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