"If you had one shot or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted in one moment, would you capture it? Or just let it slip?"
I am going to focus this entry on my own personal bucket list. I have an extensive list of things I'd like to see or do in this lifetime and I thought I'd concentrate an entry on that. I don't want to let opportunities pass me by and I will definitely take those opportunities as they come, but sometimes, you have to make things happen.
I'm a list maker. Every time I leave for a trip of any sort, I write down a list. I check it multiple times and cross things off as they are packed or completed. Currently, as I type, there are two different lists of things that need done on my coffee table. One is long-term and the other is today. On each week of my calendar, I have a sticky note on the top right corner where I can write down things I need to do as they come up. Lists everywhere! So it makes sense that I have a bucket list, literally, written up.
The picture I began the entry with is something that was on my bucket list that I got to check off in 2017. I wanted to become a certified scuba diver. I was fortunate enough that my "little" brother wanted to go on the adventure with me, so that was an added bonus to my experience. Going through it with him made it a very memorable experience for me. And while he got the hang of most things much quicker than I did, I have to mention that I knocked out the navigation piece of training when Trent's compass took him well off the path, haha! We had to spend our training with a partner the whole time for safety and accountability purposes, so it was pretty cool that I got to learn to trust in Trent on a different level. Visibility in the lake was not real clear, so you have to keep really good track of your partner. They reinforce it like crazy and you have to develop safety plans if you and your partner get separated. There were a few times I lost sight of him and, for me, it was really scary not knowing where he was. Being underwater and unable to verbally communicate adds a new dimension to communication skills. A couple times, in my head, I was freaking out as to where he was. This also reinforces mindfulness and deep breathing because, again, you're underwater and if you freak out, that could be dangerous. It was such an awesome experience and we're already trying to figure out a plan to get back underwater. I cannot wait to get to an ocean with so much more visibility! That's still on my bucket list... Take pictures of beautiful things underwater in the ocean. 2017 has allowed me to get one step closer to that item by getting certified! Also in this area, I would like to experience diving with dolphins, whales, and sharks! I can't wait to experience marine life in their natural habitat! How cool is it that I get to say that I am among the small percentage of people that get to say they can see the world beneath the waves! So. Freaking. Awesome!
I just want to highlight some of the bigger things on my list. One of them, I dedicated a whole entry to, actually. I want to fall in love. That's a big one. Since I've already gone into detail about that, I'm not going to in this entry. Some of the things on my list are on a smaller scale, like owning a Pomsky (google it... They are adorable) or flying first class. Other things are going to require some extensive planning and some financial stability. All of them, however, are within reason and possible!
I would really love to go on safari in Africa. Again, I'm big on seeing animals in their natural habitat, so I think going on safari would be an absolutely incredible experience. That's probably the biggest one on my list. I would also love to see the pyramids in Egypt in person. Hiking Machu Picchu gave me the opportunity to realize how small of a piece I am in this gigantic masterpiece that is our world. It really made me appreciate things on a whole different level. Another item on list is visiting every stadium in the NFL. This one will take a lot of time. I'm biased, but I believe that Arrowhead Stadium is the greatest NFL stadium on Earth! So, to prove that in my mind, I need to see every other stadium to validate my belief. I've only made it to two others so far. I've been to Mile High in Denver. That was a really good experience with family and friends! I was able to get to NRG Stadium in Houston last season. It was my first indoor stadium experience and that was definitely awesome in the Houston heat. So, I have 29 more to go! Haha! Holler if you have the hookup! I am trying to get to Jerry World in Dallas this year, so we'll see if I can't get another one crossed off in 2017!
There are a lot of places I want to visit, of course. I want to visit New Zealand and Bali. I want to have those tropical dream vacations of Bora Bora or Fiji. I won't turn down any opportunity to travel if it presents itself, but those are some of my highlights. Seeing the Northern Lights would be pretty cool, too. I've been to Ireland, but I think it'd be cool to experience St. Patrick's Day from there or Oktoberfest in Germany. Someday!
Perhaps the most serious on my list and not something I talk about with many (yet here I am mentioning to the 'world'), is that I would love to be a mom. Does that count as a bucket list item? Or should it be more of a goal? I think I would rock being a mom, especially now that I have so much knowledge about the development of the brain and the importance of attachment from the womb and beyond. My age will become a factor at some point in regards to a natural conception/birth, etc., but I am also not opposed to adoption or other options if needed.
Probably the cheesiest of things on my list is to ride in a hot air balloon over something beautiful. I don't just want to go up in a hot air balloon, I want it to be overlooking something incredible. I'm terrified of heights, but I like to challenge myself if I can, so this would allow me to experience something magical while challenging my own fears.
I hope I can experience some of these with a partner in crime, but that is not going to stop me from going after what I want in this life. It would just enhance the experience! So... Here's to the beginning of really going after my bucket list! I encourage all of you to think about yours. What's on it? Are you doing anything to make progress in achieving those items? I'd be curious to compare! If you haven't, you should put pen to paper (or type a 'note' on your phone). Having a hard copy helps hold you accountable and supports visualizing success. It also allows you to make changes as needed and literally be able to cross things off (or delete) as you make progress. It feels really good to be able to cross things off, I promise!!
Go big or go home, right?
"You better lose yourself in the music, the moment, you own it. You better never let it go. You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime."
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