

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A light at the end of the tunnel??

I feel like I am peeking around the corner and see a faint hint of a light...  I have been working so hard on this new phase of my life.  I guess they say that, "Nothing worthwhile is ever easy."  I'm clinging to that saying.  And my friend, Clint Massey, also said that, "If it were easy, everyone would be doing it."  So true, sir.  So true. 

So, I said I had some big news... I know you have been on the edge of your seats!  Well, settle down... it's here!

I have found a place to live in Spain!!!  How big of a weight is that off my shoulder?!  GINORMOUS!  I can breathe a little bit.  At the beginning of September, I started getting some e-mails from the people I will be working with in Spain.  They connected me with a Ms. Joanne Reilly who will be working in the same school with me!  I thought I'd be solo!  And I'm super glad that I am not.  She actually made a holiday trip to Spain last week to see the school and see about some living arrangments.  She found us a fully furnished townhouse for 200E a month (roughly $288) all bills included.  It is a 3 story townhouse and we will have the 3rd floor to ourselves.  We will be living with a family who stays on the 1st floor, but overall, I think it is probably best for the situation alltogether.  My dad will feel a little more secure about me living with someone and not alone.  It makes me feel better, too.  With such a huge leap and change, it would probably be better for me to have someone there just in case.  And should I choose to do this another year, then I will re-evaluate where I am and how I feel.  Maybe I'll get my own flat.  Flat.  Did you hear that?  I'm talking European already!  HaHa! 

Our place is only a 4 minute walk to work every day.  Unfortunately, I won't have internet access at the house.  To my understanding, there is no connection.  I will, however, have access at my school and at local cafes/bars, etc.  I will keep this updated, I promise.  :)

So, there it is... the big news I have been waiting for.  :)  I was so nervous about that, but things seem to finally be going in my favor a bit.  (I'm knocking on wood right now, harder than you could ever believe!) 

Well, there's that entry.  Might be back for more a bit later.  :)  Maybe not.  But, I will be back soooooon!!

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