

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Rockstar 101

It Rihanna... Can you really say enough about how bad ass she is? Her & Pink are two of my favorite female artists. I chose this song to flip the script on the negative self-talk. 


Sometimes you just need to feel like a bad ass. What things do you do to make yourself feel like a bad ass? Do you have any secrets? Please share! Obviously music speaks to me, so I tend to rely a lot on it boosting my confidence or helping me process whatever I am feeling in the moment.

It's the edited version, but it still just makes me feel empowered!

I have clearly talked plenty about the bad days, but I'm going to do my best to stay away from that for this entry and focus on the days I feel empowered.

I am trying to embrace my strengths this year. It's not easy some days, of course, but it is something I am working on, like so many things throughout this blog project, haha!

"To be what you is, you gotta be what you are."

I am working on changing my perception of myself. I was talking with a bestie recently and we were discussing how what we put out into the universe is what we get back. So I need to work on putting out the positive energy, so that's what I get back. I've certainly began feeling better about myself since some weight has came off and I believe that has a direct connection with changing my self-talk. I've also really came out of my shell when interacting with others in the public. I make eye contact and smile at more strangers. If I see someone wearing a cute top or shoes, I tell them. I try to engage others in discussion if I'm standing in line waiting to check out at a store. You only get out what you put in... So I'm putting in as much good juju as I possibly can.

I want to be sure to note here that it is not just about the weight for me. I am learning that. It was primarily about that and being lonely that contributed to the negative self-talk, but as I gain strength and confidence, I realize that it's not ever really been about those issues. I am beautiful the way that I am. I may have to repeat that to myself a bazillion times every day, but it's worth it. I don't have to be skinny to make others happy. What I want is to be happy and healthy, in all areas of my life, regardless of what that physically looks like. Just want it noted! Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. The inner beauty is what I want to shine through! 

Part of being more positive and embracing my strengths is being more honest and open about how I feel. I have always been an honest person (not counting my youth, haha), but I've never really communicated about how I feel and connected that with my honesty. People cannot know how I feel if I don't tell them. They cannot read my mind. So why not just put it out there?

Part of my confidence building is taking pictures of myself. I've never really been a selfie queen, but I'm working on allowing myself to be sucked into the trend. Not because it's the "cool" thing to do, but because I've spent so much time avoiding the camera. I want to capture moments where I finally feel "pretty" for myself. I may not share those photos with everyone, it's not really about that. It's more about building my own confidence.


You know you have songs that just make you feel amazing and you just have to jam, right? That's why I chose this song title for this entry. It really doesn't have anything to do with the actual lyrics, but I must say that when I hear some songs, it just makes me feel good. This is one of those songs. I just feel bad ass. I may not be bad ass, but I feel it and that's what is important. I've got a lot of songs that when they come up on my playlist, I find myself reaching for the dial to turn it up a notch or two and I just rock the hell out to it. In my car, in my world... I am the Rockstar, baby. 


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